Anime review, game review and some interesting stories about my life. More updates are coming soon! Subscribe and Follow me on Twitter for latest news!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog for Work, New Review Style, and Reason Why No Video For a While

Hey guys, you might have been wondering like what is that ACC page there? Here I will tell you what it is and a few more announcement.

Firstly I will like to tell you that the new page I made is for my work. It is a link to my new blog that is filled with my work things. ACC stands for Andrew's Coding Center and I know its not a really attractive name but I'm running out of ideas. So there it is. As the title of that blog tells, it is filled with lessons regarding my current studies in the computer science major. It is made so that it could help people who are in trouble in understanding with the same problem as I'm discussing. Also if I have made a mistake, maybe someone would like to help me out in fixing it or even try to make the process more efficient then what I did. If you are interested to know more, you can access it on the page above.

Secondly since we have new admins here, the reviews will have a twist for this current Reader's Vote. Each one of us will have to choose one out of the four anime's from the choice and then review them. Hopefully it will turned out well as I think it will.

Thirdly regarding my videos. Not so long ago, I lost my iPod where I usually record my voice. Why is it so bad you asked? The reason is iPod's recording system is very good and clear unlike the microphone I have installed within this laptop. So hopefully in near time I'll be able to buy a new gadget for me to record my voice so then I could make more videos. Second reason is my Fraps is acting strangely. A few days ago, I tried to record my self playing Osu! but when I re-watched the video, there was no sound recorded. I don't know either the program has a bug I don't know of or my sound card has something off. It's not I'm lazy or anything but as soon as this problem are solved, more videos are going to be up.

That is all guys. Make sure you stay tuned for the reviews coming up this weekend... I hope. Take care guys.. See you in the next post.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Reader's Vote 3 Result!

Hey guys, I'm really impressed that just in a month we could gather results. Unlike last time it took about 3 months before I could gather this much votes. So without postponing things, I will show you the result of the votes.
  1. Log Horizon (4 votes)
  2. Hataraku Maou Sama (2 votes)
  3. Shingeki no Kyoujin (1 vote)
  4. Kuroko no Basuke (1 vote)

To tell you the truth I was kind of surprised from the results. I was thinking that Shingeki will have taken the win but apparently I was wrong.

Apparently Log Horizon have only a few more episodes before their season ended. So what I'm going to do is to wait till the season is over and then begin with the review and then continue so on and so forth. Once again I would like to say thank you for participating and don't forget to see the reviews soon.

Monday, March 10, 2014

(Stefanus Sirilus Mulyadi Sutejo) Light's Introduction

Hello everyone :D. Vir los (hi)? (how are you?)

I am new admin on this blog.

I will be contributing on blog too.

So firstly my name is Stefanus Sirilus Mulyadi Sutejo, my nickname is Adi,
and you can call me Light.

My hobby are watching anime, playing games, playing basketball, tweaking (sometimes) and etc (more).


My Favorite Anime is... I think, I do like lot of anime XD

Favorite game? (PC console)
-Currently : Skyrim, Dota 2, Nba2k14
(not quite satisfying, maybe later i will review this game)

Favorite Character : many... But i'll choose one of them..

I do not own this images.
Source :

I go to same university with the Founder of this blog...
I am 20 on this year.

Yep, that's all..
Thanks for your time for reading this post :D
Erei un grind. (Until our (next) meeting.)

Red marked Writing : Thuum Language lol *peace*

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Another New Member & Extra Announcement

Hey guys, as promised another new member had been recruited into the blog. In today's post I would like to put it simple. So without delaying any further, the new member is very smart with computer tech stuff. Even though he's kind of an airhead sometimes but he is really smart and the most athletic between the rest of the gang. To put it simple he is really good in basketball.

Probably you're all wondering right now. What's his name?? and some other questions. I would leave that to him to answer all the questions that are still in the mist. So don't miss out on his post soon.