The story revolves around Tomoya Okazaki, a third year high school student who dislikes his life. Tomoya's mother (Atsuko) died when Tomoya was young, leaving his father (Naoyuki) to raise him. Due to a certain accident, Tomoya's father went under alcohol and gambling and frequently have fight with Tomoya, his only son. One day, Naoyuki slammed Tomoya against the window, dislocating Tomoya's shoulder. Ever since then their relationship becomes further apart. This really hurt Tomoya and make him feel awkward when returning home which leads him constantly to stay out late night. Additionally, the injury disables Tomoya from participating in his basketball club, and pushes him to distance himself from his school and other activities. Thus his delinquent life begins. Tomoya's good friend Youhei Sunohara, who got thrown out of the soccer club for a dispute, is also a delinquent and often hangs out in his dorm room with Tomoya doing nothing much.
One day when Tomoya is going to school, he saw a girl standing still. "Anpan" is what the girl said that made Tomoya confused and tried to talk to her. This girl is the main protagonist of Clannad named Nagisa Furukawa. She is a repeating student from last year and currently she is now in the same grade as Tomoya. After their destined meeting, Tomoya and Nagisa met again during lunch break. Nagisa told Tomoya that she wants to join the drama club. Unfortunately the club has been disband. Tomoya decided that he will help Nagisa to find members and to reform a new drama club. Starting from that day, the journey of Tomoya and Nagisa begins.
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