Anime review, game review and some interesting stories about my life. More updates are coming soon! Subscribe and Follow me on Twitter for latest news!

Friday, December 21, 2012

First Time!

Hey people. Welcome to my first ever blog ever. My name is Jovian Andrew, but my friend address me as Andrew. I will post these blogs in English but someday I may also post some with my national language which is Bahasa Indonesia. Yes, I am an Indonesian. Here in this blog I will post some stories and adventures I had in my life. Also I will also post things about computer games and Animes which I loved. If you have any suggestion of what anime I should comment on, just leave a comment on this post. I'll look it up asap. I'm currently a High School student that's about to graduate so if I have not been posting for sometime, then stay tuned. I'll update the blog whenever I have free time. So hope you viewers out there will enjoy my blog and yaa keep on reading on my blog. Thanks and enjoy :)

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